Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Crayon and chalk - Flower Pot

This is Maddies first artblog! This peice was entered into the Wildhorse Elementary Art Fair and was honored as one of the top peices! Maddie was very pleased with how well her peice was liked. This peice was also photographed and reprinted by her Grandfather. Maddie had this to say about this peice of art:

"I made this in art class. Well my art teacher put this in an art show and I didn't win anything but I did it in the art show. She mostly picks art from the school thats good and the ones that she likes. We were supposed to copy off a vase of flowers and I was on one side and from the other side it looked different and I just tried to do my best but it turned out that it was just something that I didn't do that someone else did."